Technische Universität Graz
Rechbauerstrasse 12, 8010 Graz
Weitere Beispiele der Hochschule

Teach, Present, Publish: English for Academic Purposes in Kooperation mit der Montclair State University


Englische Master- und Doktoratsstudien erfordern von SprecherInnen, deren Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist, einerseits eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit der englischen Sprache und andererseits ein Überdenken von Lehrstilen und -formaten. In Kooperation mit Lehrenden der Montclair State University (USA) bietet die TU Graz ein dreiwöchiges Sommerintensivprogramm in Graz an.

Kurzzusammenfassung des Projekts

Lehrende der TU Graz haben die Möglichkeit ein 3-wöchiges Programm "Teach, Present, Publish: English for Academic Purposes" zu absolvieren. Das Programm wird in Kooperation mit Lehrenden der Montclair State University (New Jersey, USA) an der TU Graz unterrichtet und besteht aus 3 Teilkursen:


+ Academic English Writing Skills in the Natural and Applied Sciences

+ Essential Spoken English for Instructors

+ Methodology of Teaching in English

Kurzzusammenfassung des Projekts in englischer Sprache

Teaching staff of TU Graz have the opportunity of undertaking a 3-week course "Teach, Present, Publish: English for Academic Purposes". The course, developed and taught by professors from Montclair State University (New Jersey, USA), covers the following core themes:


+ Academic English Writing Skills in the Natural and Applied Sciences

+ Essential Spoken English for Instructors

+ Methodology of Teaching in English

Nähere Beschreibung des Projekts

Many international universities are now offering courses, in a variety of different subjects, where English is used as the medium of instruction. University educators who are non-native speakers of the English language often adapt their materials and teaching styles to this new teaching format.


Montclair State University's Teach, Present, Publish program is a customized professional training program specifically designed for the needs of such international university educators, regardless of academic discipline, and/or research field. The program provides intensive training courses in English methodology and language skills. Montclair program faculty are specially selected from among Montclair State University best professors who come from various disciplines and have strong backgrounds in teaching English as a second, (or foreign) language and/or experience in training teachers. They provide courses in English language skills and in current teaching methodology. Each faculty member teaches one intensive course.


Upon completion of the program educators will strengthen their ability to teach, publish, and make professional presentations in the English language.




To strengthen the ability of non-native English speakers to teach their subject in the English language and/or to conduct academic research in English.

To conduct courses in contemporary teaching methodology in order to increase the scope of pedagogical tools available to our participants.

To enhance the presentation skills of participants through courses in public speaking and utilizing modern technology.

To allow scholars from similar academic fields to collaborate with each other under the auspices of the Teaching in English program. The collaboration results in the students learning discipline specific English terms and methodology.

To augment and deepen Montclair State University's partnership with international universities.



Program information

Participants are expexted to have English proficiency equivalent to TOEFL 80 iBt or IELTS 6.0.

Participants take all 3 courses in the program (24 hours of instruction per week)

Each course is offered 2 hours per day (per course 8 hours per week)

Each course meets Mo - Thu (6 hours per day)

Attendance is compulsory for the entire course duration.

Course packet, including readings and guidelines for in-class exercises and take-home assignments, is provided.



Essential Spoken English for Instructors


This course improves and strengthens participants' spoken English proficiency for classroom teaching and learning interaction as well as conversational exchanges. It helps participants to practice and develop speaking skills for teaching their subject areas in English, introduces student-centered teaching strategies through appropriate and effective use of English, and provides a variety of activities to develop and enhance participants' communicative competence in English.


Methodology of Teaching in English


This course introduces a variety of teaching methods and strategies suitable for use in teaching various subject areas in university classrooms and provides opportunities for participants to practice these methods and strategies in class and in small- and large-group settings. It also examines authentic English-language teaching materials in various subject areas and discusses some appropriate and effective ways to adapt such materials for non-native speakers of English as teachers and learners.


Academic English Writing Skills in the Natural and Applied Sciences


This course provides participants with an introduction to the writing process commonly used in academic writing, and offers a plan for building on strengths and eliminating weaknesses. It provides explanations and opportunity for practice and guides each participant in becoming a systematic self-critic – and stronger writer by applying the principles directly to their writing. It guides participants through the expository and argumentative essays, provides discussion of writing conventions – grammar, paragraph construction and essay development, diction, stylistic choices, punctuation, mechanics, and common documentation styles.

Birgit Steinkellner, Mag.phil.
Internationale Beziehungen und Mobilitätsprogramme
+43 316 873 - 6427
Steinkellner, Birgit, Mag.phil.
Internationale Beziehungen und Mobilitätsprogramme
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